Rotary Club of Bombay

Bhavishya Yaan

Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / Celebrating Diwali – The Eco-friendly Way

Celebrating Diwali – The Eco-friendly Way

Over the last ten days, 500 Bhavishya Yaan students from across the five Municipal Schools, were taught to ‘Say No to Firecrackers’ and were encouraged to celebrate Diwali in their own creative way without causing any harm to the environment.

Children were informed about the elements used in making firecrackers and their harmful effects, i.e., rise in air and noise pollution, rise in respiratory and other ailments, incidents of accidents and burns, torture to animals, etc. They were also made aware of how the industry relies on the use of child labor in manufacturing these firecrackers, and were asked to share ideas on how one could enjoy the festival in an eco-friendly manner, as was the tradition in our country.

Thus, each student was given an earthen diya (lamp), and the significance of lighting one was explained. They were also made to understand how a diya represents the light of knowledge that dispels the darkness of ignorance, and that its flame signifies the importance to moving higher and rising above all situations.

The session ended with painting and decorating of diyas. Students enjoyed using their creative skills to make artistic designs and promised to celebrate an eco-friendly and cracker free Diwali.