Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Lighthouse  / Christmas at Lighthouse

Christmas at Lighthouse

While the tiny tots were taught to show gratitude to their community helpers , the elder kids were shown the Movie of the Month: “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” which shows the true meaning of Christmas isn’t presents at all, but the people around you that you get to spend the day with.

As part of Christmas celebrations at Lighthouse, Community Helpers Day was organised for KG students on December 24th. The tiny toys, dressed in appropriate attire, took the microphone and spoke a few lines about the helper they had chosen. Everyone was impressed by the confidence of the little ones aged just four and five.

Around 22 children participated in the event, for which Rtn. Charu Agarwal and some mothers were also invited.

For our grown up kids:
A movie screening of the popular Dr. Seuss’s hit film How the Grinch Stole Christmas was organised in the classroom for classes 1 to 5. The message behind the movie that ‘Christmas is not just about gifts, goodies and decorations, but about spreading love and affection to one and all’ was brought home to all. They say Christmas is also a time to count your blessings and be grateful for the good things you have. So, after the movie, each child mentioned what s/he was most grateful for in his/ her life.

The session ended on a sweet note with the children feasting upon delicious chocolate pastries, courtesy Charu.