Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Animal Welfare  / Committee Reports: Animal Welfare 2020-2021

Committee Reports: Animal Welfare 2020-2021

Director-in-charge: Rtn. Jamshed Banaji

Chair: Rtn. Hiren Kara

Co-chair: Rtn. Priyasri Patodia

Members: PP Dr. Sonya Mehta, PP Dr. Mukesh Batra, Rtn. Bipin Vazirani, Rtn. Mudit Jain, Rtn. Ramon Kirpalaney, Rtn. Mihir Mody, Rtn. Ptn. Malti Jain

Due to the pandemic and lockdown, thousands of stray cats and dogs in India which depend on food and waste from markets, restaurants and grocery shops, began to go hungry. The Rotary Club of Bombay took up the project to fund NGOs and individuals to feed the strays. Through the campaign, the following NGOs were supported: WSD, WIA, PAWS, AMTM, and IDA. Three rounds of fundraising were held.

The second project was to support PAWS for picking up the dead animals for burial where RCB donated the wheelbarrows.
The third project included the donation of beds for ailing animals who were recuperating and beds were donated to PAWS for the same.

The fourth project was donating PPE suits to various animal NGOs since they are involved in rescue operations of stray animals and also feeding the strays in public spaces. This was donated to BSPCA and WIA and a few others.
The fifth project provided SPCA with an x-ray plate. The hospital treats 250 animals on a daily basis. 20% to 40% of the cases come with a history of accident and require X-ray for diagnostic purposes. SPCA needed an X-ray plate which we have been able to provide. They require more support to buy some diagnostic instruments which hopefully we will provide if we find a donor through RCB.

A donation was made to Ida to purchase surgical instruments for their Deonar clinic. These NGOs are always treating strays and abandoned pets and need urgent financial help to keep the clinics going.

An abandoned pet dog was rescued from a coffee shop in Bandra and given a permanent shelter at our PAWS Rescue Center in Murbad.

And, finally, one of our committee members made a donation to Feline Foundation for water bowls to be placed across the city for strays to beat the heat.