Rotary Club of Bombay

Child Welfare Committee

Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Child Welfare Committee  / Committee Reports: Child Welfare 2019-2020

Committee Reports: Child Welfare 2019-2020

Director-in-charge: Rtn. Meera Alreja

Chairperson: Rtn. Rajesh Shah

Vice-Chairperson: Rtn. Charu Agrawal

Committee members: PP Rtn. Ramesh Narayan, Rtn. Alok Sekhsaria, Rtn. Madhusudan Daga, Rtn. Ptn. Ekta Shah, Rtn. Dilip Dalal, Rtn. Sunita Mandelia

June 2019 started off with the summer camp finale, where our a proudly showcased the rich heritage of India.

This year, two new activities: Art and Craft and Drama were introduced.

Sadhu Vaswani Mission invited us to be a part of the 101st birth anniversary celebrations of their founder Dada Vaswani in July.

In August students enjoyed creating handmade rakhis, participating in an interactive story session (Janmashtami) and snacking on sweet dar ni pori (Parsi New Year). Around this time, weekly English language coaching was started for older students.

In October Rotary President Preeti Mehta honoured Lighthouse by not only choosing to celebrate her milestone 60th birthday with the students but also sponsoring a trip to Mani Bhavan and a workshop by educator Marina Dutta to familarise students with the Gandhian ethos.

In November as part of the Litfest, Lighthouseians showcased the works of Indian author R.K. Narayanan.

The CCI Christmas party, a fancy dress show and a movie screening were the highlights of December.

Lighthouse’s very first Sports Festival in January 2020 was a hit and saw the participation of the entire community.

February saw our students participate in a plethora of activities under the umbrella of the Kala Ghoda Festival.
Students were taken on an educational excursion to the Monginis cake factory in March.

The year ended abruptly with classes being suddenly suspended due to the Covid-19 epidemic raging across the globe.

We have initiated new projects and channelized our efforts towards them this year. The distribution of nutritious food to the street children of Salaam Baalak Foundation Centre at Chowpatty, from August 2019, is a project that represents the same.

All in all, 2019-20 was an eventful year where learning combined with fun to ensure all-round development.