Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Sports  / CONNECTING BOUNDARIES


Inaugural Rotary Corporate Cricket Challenger 2018 to kick-off on November 17, 2018

CORPORATE INDIA IS GEARING UP for the Inaugural Rotary Corporate Cricket Challenger 2018 which kicks off on November 17th at the Western Railway Sports Ground, Mahalakshmi, Mumbai.

The games will be held on November 17th and 18th, 2018 in a day-night format.

In an exciting seven-a-side format which will encourage boundaries galore, the rules have been modified. The boundary
will be shortened and each innings restricted to seven overs; restrictions on the bowler’s run-up and positioning of the wicketkeeper will make it an easier level of play, overall.

Matches will be played on a league and knock-out basis with each team getting to play a minimum of three matches.

Based on their performances in the league stage, the teams qualify either for the Super Cup, Plate or Bowl categories.

Do come and cheer participants.

PP. Rtn. Sandip Agarwalla (Head, FRP, Rotary Club of Bombay) and Rtn. Sanjiv Saran Mehra (Championship Director)