Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Medical  / Coronavirus – The State Of Our Current Knowledge

Coronavirus – The State Of Our Current Knowledge

By Rtn. (Dr.) Ashok L. Kirpalani

The Coronavirus (aka 2019-nCov) has spread from Wuhan, China all over the world and is very similar to the SARS outbreak which occurred in 2002 from China and the H1N1 Influenza outbreak which started in 2009 from Mexico. The virus is carried by Bats, which are often eaten by Snakes and apparently Chinese population eat such wild animals unlike other countries. The initial cases were food-borne. Approximately, 1 in 1000 of patients may die unlike SARS, in which about 9% of patients died but the disease did not become a pandemic like the H1N1, which had spread all over the world. In 2019-nCov infection, it takes about 4 to 5 days for symptoms to appear after exposure. Initially, it was thought that the virus does not spread from human to human, but it appears that there are cases now where human to human transmission is confirmed. It is most likely that the droplets from phlegm, snort and saliva spread by coughing and sneezing are the method of spread. These droplets falling on inert objects will contain the virus and touching of the object on which the virus has fallen, even after the droplet has dried up, and then bringing it to the nose and mouth will cause infection. Spreading is possible even by infected persons who have no symptoms. Transmission by air travel is most likely and therefore screening at airports is likely to be set up soon once it is clearly established that human to human transmission is confirmed.

There is no vaccine available at present. The most susceptible are those:
Those with chronic bronchitis.
Elderly and infirm.

Those who are naturally immunosuppressed such as diabetics and chronic kidney disease patients.

Those who take immunosuppressive agents such as transplant patients, people taking steroids for any disease particularly rheumatological diseases.

Those on anti-cancer agents.


Therefore, these are the ones need most protection. The WHO has released very good recommendatory article on the link below, most useful for the above population but also universally adoptable by everybody.

I strongly recommend that everyone reads these recommendations carefully. Please do not neglect symptoms of cough, cold and fever. Report to your doctor immediately.