Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Sports  / Cricket Kits For Kids

Cricket Kits For Kids

Mr. Sachin Bajaj from CCI came to the last meeting to present cricket kits to three of the schools where the Club conducts the Bhavishya-Yaan programme. He said that the kit-distribution project was launched in memory of the former CCI chief, the late Mr. Raj Singh Dungarpur. It had already distributed kits in Afghanistan, China and in a few villages in Tamil Nadu. On learning from Deepak Kapadia about the students at municipal schools under the care of the Rotary Club of Bombay, it was decided to offer the kits here, too. “At some future date we would like to set up a cricket academy to benefit children from the municipal schools,” Mr. Bajaj added. Rotaryanns Avaan Vakharia, (the Worli school), Rinku Suchanti and Poonam Surana (Colaba) and Jaya Prasad (N.M. Joshi school) stepped forward to help the students collect their kits.