Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Bhavishya Yaan  / E-learning for 90 schools in Washim and Mumbai

E-learning for 90 schools in Washim and Mumbai

Adding one more feather to its glorious cap, the Rotary Club of Bombay has provided e-learning kits to 90 schools in Washim and Mumbai under the Rotary India Literacy Mission.

With the increasing competitive spirit of children to survive in today’s modern and fastchanging world, using technology not only motivates them but also engages them by enhancing their learning experience and resulting in higher learner confidence. The provision of e-learning kits to the schools will encourage young minds to empower themselves with knowledge and skills that will prepare them better for higher education.

The audio-visual e-learning presentations aim to make learning more exciting, thus ensuring greater attendance in schools, reduced dropout rates and increased attentiveness. Approximately 14,000 children will benefit from this project along with more than 200 teachers who have been equipped with hardware and software training to improve the standard of education in each of the schools.

The Rotary Club of Bombay is extremely proud of its role in achieving this milestone in the Digital Classroom Project. Heartiest Congratulations to Projectin- Charge and new member Rtn. Laxmi Maneklal who was ably supported and guided by our President Vijay Jatia and PP Rtn. Sandip Agarwalla.