Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Child Welfare Committee  / Engagement With Kids

Engagement With Kids

THE Child Welfare Committee sent a group of 13 street children from Salaam Baalak for a Paper Ganesha workshop at CSVSM by renowned artist Arzaan Khambatta. We thank him and artist Brinda Miller for including our children in this wonderfully innovative and creative session, teaching them to make their own idol in an environmentally friendly way.

Students of the ISDI WPP School Of Communication organised a Blood Donation Camp on August 31st, 2019, in collaboration with the Breach Candy Hospital. The donation was organised in memory of two students: Pankti Parikh and Kevin Kapadia, who passed away in a car accident two years ago. They loved helping others and serving society. The day’s events were organised, keeping them in mind, by three of their fellow students – Vignesh Shanbhag, Mehak Bhatia and Ayra Kulkarni.

ISDI invited 35 Bhavishya Yaan children from the GK Marg BMC School to their campus and they spent the afternoon playing games, colouring and dancing. Doctors from the Breach Candy Hospital created awareness by telling the children about the importance of blood donation. We thank ISDI and Pankti and Kevin’s parents for arranging return gifts and snacks. The children were motivated, and sensitised to important issues that surround them today.

“Art is the expression of the profoundest thoughts in the simplest way” – Albert Einstein

Ten students of Bhavishya Yaan from the GK marg and NM Joshi schools participated in an art competition at CCI Club on August 9th, 2019.

The Rotary Club of Bombay thanks CCI Committee members Ramesh Daswani, Suresh Gurnani, Heena Kapadia, Kartikeya Khatau and Silloo Medhora for organising this and giving an opportunity to 85 under-privileged students to express their thoughts. A special mention for CCI President Premal Udani who spent time encouraging the children and appreciating their work. The judges, Ms Poonam Agrawal and Ms Sonali Iyengar, studied all the paintings in great detail.

Bhavishya Yaan kids from GK Marg made us proud in both the girls and boys categories. Sara Sansare from GK Marg bagged the first prize and Adarsh Kori from GK Marg got second prize. Sara was appreciated by senior members of the CCI Club for her painting ‘Freedom with Responsibility!’ under the topic ‘Independence Day’.

She said: “Independence Day gave us freedom but we got it through peace, not war. So, I used the dove as a metaphor. The bird symbolises peace and any bird by itself has the freedom to fly anywhere. This is the freedom one should have and explore but keeping country first, and that is why I put two flags in the bird’s hands. That, even if we, in India, are free now – we should do things keeping India first in our minds.”

The CCI Club Committee took special care in arranging breakfast and lunch for the children. Each child also received paints and a certificate of participation.