Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Fellowship  / FELLOWSHIP NIGHT


Rtn. Rekha Tanna – Secretary of our club hosted a fellowship dinner at her lovely home on 27th September 2018.
It was a fun evening with cocktails and a fantastic spread of traditional Guajarati dishes organized by the gracious
hostess. Over 60 Rotarians including President Vijay Jatia were present and enjoyed her warm hospitality.

Pravin Bansali, Pranay Vakil, Mudit Jatia, Mahesh Khubchandani, Naresh Jain, Rajash Doshi, Vikram Daiya, Kamal Bulchandani

R/ann Gauri Jatia, Hon. Sec Rekha Tanna, President Vijay Jatia, Rtn. Vrinda Rajgaria