Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Lighthouse  / Flagging Off Celebrations

Flagging Off Celebrations

Flag From Home, an RCB event in collaboration with RCISME, celebrated Republic Day with Lighthouse kids. This project was organised for children ranging from Sr. Kg right up to the grade 5. It was a one-day project filled with fun, laughter and a lot of learning. While the project was held for kids, many elderly people from Ananda Yaan joined too, to encourage the children.

70 participants had a Zoom celebration together with patriotic songs playing in the background and welcoming everyone. All the kids wore traditional clothing a colour from the Indian Flag and were accompanied by their parents.
Next, a skit was presented by RCISME students with three of them dressed up as freedom fighters Jawaharlal Nehru, Rani Laxmi Bai and Bhagat Singh.

Next, was a fun activity of making the Indian Flag where the kids were taught what the different colours represented. A Rotaractor instructed the children in the steps in making the Flag. We used the digital white board on Zoom for the flag-making activity and our RCISME Rotaractor assisted the kids. At the end, the kids merrily showed us their flags and it warmed our heart seeing their excitement.

A short film was played for them after this. This movie had a fairy explaining the concept of God, giving negative and positive points for actions. The children were taught about how eve-teasing is wrong, how one should not pollute one’s surroundings and lastly children should always respect their parents. The children saw the movie intently and were asked to share their learnings.

The movie starred the famous twins of RCISME, Manav and Pranav Agarwal and another Rotaractor Payal Rupani.
The next segment was a fun game based on India. It had general knowledge questions about India and the children answered all the questions with enthusiasm. RCISME also saw how bright these children were because of how quickly they answered all the questions.

The last segment was a virtual flag hoisting ceremony where Rotaractor Tulasee Nagpal sang the National Anthem for everyone present there and a virtual hoisting was displayed.

The Republic Day celebration ended with a pre-recorded dance video for the children to learn some easy steps. Everyone present in the audience danced to the Bollywood song “India wale”. All the Rotaractors, Rotarians, Ananda Yaan and RCISME members had a blast dancing!

At the end, Mr Rajesh, Chairman of Lighthouse, praised RCISME for raising the benchmark that RCISME had set for themselves and the enthusiasm shown by each and every member.

Rtn. Ptn. Ekta Shah, project mentor, Manisha Ahuja from NGO Vidya and PE Shernaz Vakil attended the programme.

Rtn. Shernaz Vakil attended with her grandson, our youngest and most adorable guest. RCB thanks the RCISME team: Fiza Shaikh, Yash V Shah, Tulasee Nagapal, Devansh Jain, Swetha Sheth, Anukul Kamalia, Murtaza Kagalwala, Payal Rupani, Manav Agarwal, Pranav Agarwal, Dhwani Shah, Sakshi Chauhan & Riya Jain.