Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Other Projects  / Food & Nutrition workshop Report by SIF

Food & Nutrition workshop Report by SIF

Growing children require good nutrition to build healthy bodies and fight diseases. Attitudes towards food are shaped during early school years, forming the basis for future eating habits.

In order to inculcate healthy eating habits in children, Sanskar  India Foundation (SIF) conducted workshops on Food & Nutrition in various schools across Mumbai. The workshops were conducted in an interactive and fun-filled manner.

Through various kinds of visual aids, children were educated on the importance of correct nutrition required for healthy growth. They were made aware of main nutrients in food, their importance for the body & for prevention of malnutrition & disease. Further they were also made to understand the nutrient value of each kind of food so they could include all these to have a balanced diet & healthy body.

The concept of Junk food and Fast food was discussed. They were made to understand why junk food is unhealthy and that Fast food need not be Junk food. It can be very nutritious and tasty. Quick recipes for various healthy fast food snacks like Black chana chaat, Dry Bhel, Green Salad, Fruit salad were discussed and demonstrated.

The importance of exercise for good health was also emphasized.

Through focused lectures and audio visual media the children were informed about the dangers of junk food and packaged fast foods. The idea of consuming tasty, wholesome , easy to prepare, inexpensive foods was ingrained by actual cooking demonstrations

A quiz & word-search strengthened the concepts and made learning interesting. Children enjoyed the sessions.