Rotary Club of Bombay

Speaker / Gateway

Rotary Club of Bombay / Speaker / Gateway  / Fountain of Youth

Fountain of Youth

Health and well-being instructor, Mickey Mehta shared the secret of age reversal at the Tuesday meeting with Rotarians

AGE REVERSAL may be a controversial subject but that does not mean one cannot work towards mitigating the effects of ageing. Last Tuesday, Mickey Mehta addressed the Rotary Club of Bombay on being Mickeymized.

Mickey shared his ideas on body, spirit and mind, in his own inimitable way. Do we become eternal? “In body, certainly not; in spirit, yes. But the promise is that you don’t die to disease. The promise is that you don’t land up on a hospital bed with pins and needles. The promise is that you don’t have to go through surgeries and the promise is that you don’t have to take tons of medicines in one lifetime. The promise is that you have a good night’s sleep, the promise is that you have a good sexual life till 75-80,” says Mickey.

Mickey, who is 58, says, “Even at 58, it is not too late. You can start now, if you wish. Modern science validates that intention alone can cause you to change; so start the transformation right now. Thought is an energy molecule. Start improving your digestive system, immunology, the strength in your bones and muscles, coordination, cognitive strength, alertness, quick reflex and agility: just with intention.” He continues, “A little more coordinated effort with the body can take you to the sky; paying attention to the food you eat can take you beyond the sky, and giving attention to recreation, laughter, spa-therapy and regular massages can take you to space.”

“It is heartening to see people devoting their life to wellness. And that is the key!” said Mickey. “This whole thing is about wellness and not weight loss. Weight loss is the smallest denomination, kitna khaya, kitna piya, kitna ghata.”

“Don’t be accountants to yourself: don’t count your calories, your reps, your hours of sleep, or how many morsels of food you ate. Live with intelligence and bio feedback. Live with a deep understanding of your being and constitution, who you are, what you are and what you are capable of. We, human beings, are at the pinnacle of creativity with consciousness as a part of us. We can create, produce, write, sing, dance, cry, laugh, we can be full of joy, we can sympathize, empathize, internalize, eternalize – we can get Mickeymized.”

Human beings can change the landscape of their health. “Consider this as your own field. Being a part of this magnetic field can make you transform and transcend the simple laws of living. So, the ladder of evolution takes you from fitness to health, health to wellness and wellness to well-being. Fitness can give you strength, stamina, agility, body fat ratio, tenacity, resilience and endurance. Fitness can’t give you anything more so fitness is a small ‘a’ in the A to Z of wellness. As you go higher up the ladder of evolution and reach well-being, it’s all about knowing and seeing.”

“Health is about conserving your body and preserving your breath or preserving your body and conserving your breath – let everything flow inside you outside of you. The dha-ra becomes ra-dha and comes inside and that is the connectivity. Understanding of wholeness that wholeness leads to wholeness, wholeness taken away from wholeness still remains wholeness. So the larger understanding of aham brahmasmi, tatva masi, and yatha pind tatha brahmande is all about connectivity and wholeness. And that is about healing and well-being. So, at the level of well-being, where everything is about the rhythm of life, from circuiting rhythm to the rhythm of your heart, endocrine system, nervous system, ying and yang, everything is about evolution.”

What happens with this rhythm?
“Empathy, sympathy, compassion, benevolence, philanthropy, vision – confusions dissolve and clarity arises. With vision comes creativity and with creativity comes vision, they complement each other and then productivity and leadership happen. They build character and personality. So fitness, health, wellness and well-being translate into evolution of mankind. That ends up building character and personality but I go two steps forward and what I currently do in my life is, age reversal, excellence in sports, I use the mind and the spirit potential, I use the potential of the nervous system, your heart, rhythm, meditation and affirmation and most importantly I work which terminally ill patients. And for those who fall in line with whatever I have to say which is nothing but part of the ancient wisdom tradition, there is a 99 per cent chance that they could save their life. I don’t do anything, I simply facilitate. I simply show them the path. I have worked very closely with HIV and cancer patients and I have seen good results.”

“We work very closely with all colleges and modern science, but we complement it very well. I have seen people with paralysis having their graph improved by 60 per cent. We do a lot of challenging things, simple using the law of physics.”

“So if you want to be young, eat healthy and stay vegetarian!” says Mickey. “Sensible eating, ethical eating and intelligent eating – don’t eat like animals, don’t exercise like animals. We are all human ‘beings’, we are not paranoid humanoids. There is room to change. Even if you can’t walk straight today, there is room to change.”

“Please trigger that change, be enthusiastic with self-love, be filled up with self-motivation, inspirational. You don’t need a Mickey Mehta to come and inspire you. It beats me when the world goes to a nutritionist ki kya khau kya piu? In our Hindu sanatan dharma’s system of eating, there is a taste of sweet, salty, tangy, pungent, bitter and astringent. If all these six tastes are available to you in the most natural form, you are having the most nutritious food. Don’t eat till the food reaches the wall of your stomach. Leave some room, allow the stomach to move in and out freely. That is the way you get reoriented and restored and immunity begins to increase.”

“Remember, health comes more out of opening up, strength comes more out of closing. But healing happens when you allow to flow, making room in the body, which is what yoga is all about. One side you stretch, one side you contract, and the most important is that your mind comes in the here and now, and you begin to get patient holding a posture. Your core recruits and engages with your entire being outside and learns to be whole and wholesome. So tolerance, patience, resilience, tenacity and you find joy in the moments of that being asana. And if, in that, your breath forms into rhythm, then there is an atomic dance in your body. All cells come alive. Blood, nitrogen, oxygen reaches your smallest of cells. And you come alive.”

“So what typically happens is that the modern science says it takes seven days to change your stomach lining for new, it takes 30 days for your skin change to new, it takes 90 days for your muscular skeletal structure change and renew and it takes almost 365 days for your whole being to change for new. This is provided you keep pace with cellular health. If the cell lives longer, you live longer. If the replacement of the cell is instant, you live longer. If there is a lag in the replacement of the cell, you are prone to disease, which translates into an ailment, acute, chronic, decay, death. Death has no right on life, it is the culmination of disease and disease is the culmination of your doing and choices.”

“At any given point of time we are confronted with two choices: choice of evolution or choice of entropy. Entropy is nothing but time, matter, space, light, position, effect and gravity which kills you, if you don’t learn how to counter it. If you want to counter it, yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratihara, dhyana, dharna, samadhi and the list goes on. Our yoga and ayurveda have so much knowledge. Yoga is internalizing your well-being. It is about calming down.”

Mickey has worked with prisoners of Maharashtra and Goa and also with BMC sweepers on health programmes. “Just a smile can change the landscape of your wellness. Smiling changes your endocrine behaviour and laughter takes it to another height. We do a lot of emotional and psychological training because you can’t do physical fitness everyday.”

Rotarians ask:

Do you attract younger people or older?
We attract people, human beings, for a simple reason, leading the example, getting motivated, getting people inspired, that is the way of doing it. And when the community does it, it grows because there are so many happy people coming, it is a celebration of life. Yoga is congruence and confluence of mind, body and spirit. It is about absolute integration.

Why did you say that we should cut out meat?
Optionally intelligent, ethical and sensible way of eating is what I said. There is no paper to prove that meat has healing attributes towards medical issues. On the other hand sprouts, vegetables, fruits, dry fruits, nuts, roots, condiments and spices have therapeutic value in terms of health. Meat has zero therapeutic value in terms of health, but in terms of strength, yes. Does meat nourish you? No. If the orientation is calories, the answer is meat. Also meat eating translates into your thought process. You are what you eat. You can be beyond it too, provided you are eating well within reason, complementing it with antioxidants, juices. All vegetables cleanse you, all fruits heal you, all dry fruits fortify you. I don’t know what meat does to you, if you eat meat please accompany it with lots of salad.

What about egg and liquor?
Eggs come in gray area, they have good amino acid chains. Liquor, in Ayurveda, alcohol is used in a lot of Kadhas because it tranquilises your mind and stops physical and mental interference of your being in the recovery process of ailment.