Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Urban Heritage  / Grand opening of ‘Mapped: Surveys That Left Behind a Legacy’ exhibition at the Asiatic Library

Grand opening of ‘Mapped: Surveys That Left Behind a Legacy’ exhibition at the Asiatic Library

The Urban Heritage Committee (UHC) launched the highly anticipated second edition of its captivating cartographic exhibition, ‘Mapped: Surveys That Left Behind a Legacy,’ at the esteemed Asiatic Library on May 5th, 2023.

The inauguration witnessed a full house, with distinguished guests and esteemed personalities in attendance. President Vineet Bhatnagar, Chairperson of the UHC Rtn. Renu Basu, President of the Asiatic Society Ms. Vispi Balaporia, and Vice President of the Asiatic Society Ms. Shehernaz Nalwala expressed their excitement and appreciation during the opening ceremony.

This was followed by a captivating talk and presentation by Mr. Riaz Dean, renowned author of Mapping the Great Game. The presence of DG Sandip Agarwalla added prestige to the occasion, while the generous sponsorship from Tata Group was represented by Jayaa. The vote of thanks was delivered by Rtn. Rhea Bhumgara, bringing the event to a memorable close.

This extraordinary exhibition, held in the magnificent Durbar Hall of the Asiatic Library, is a visual treat that explores the surveys of yesteryears and the enduring legacy they have left behind. Open to the public for the entire month of May 2023 until June 4th, 2023, the exhibition promises to transport visitors on a journey through time, unveiling the remarkable stories and insights uncovered by these surveys. It is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to witness history come alive through meticulously crafted maps and intriguing displays.