Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Rotaract  / HARNESS CREATIVITY


Following up on the success of the first In-Camera meeting of the year, the next event graciously hosted by Arin and Zeenia Master, at Yiamas Banquets in Ballard Estate, was an equal hit.

Shiv Gaekwar from Sotheby’s and the Baroda Royal family inspired 55 Rotarians and their better halves with insights into India’s rich art, jewellery, and cultural heritage, particularly in Baroda and Ahmedabad.

Gaekwar mentioned how India as a country and Gujarat, particularly as a state, were appreciated the world over for their creative output. They were on the map of students, collectors, and purveyors of fine art from the world over. The awe-inspiring Laxmi Vilas Palace in Baroda and its collection of artefacts remains a site worth visiting. The Gaekwar family has contributed handsomely to building cultural capital in the country.

Unfortunately, as many in the audience noted, this cultural capital has waned in recent years. Whether it be inculcating the love for museums in children from a young age or efforts made by Government to showcase India’s heritage to locals and tourists alike, India is well behind its peers.

Gaekwar advocated small steps to display all forms of art in our country, from sculpture to photography to paintings, and urged everyone to participate in this movement to restore India’s rightful place as the Cultural Capital of the World.

The talk was followed by drinks and a lovely dinner organised by Arin and Zeenia and all those who attended had a very enjoyable time.