Rotary Club of Bombay

Speaker / Gateway

Rotary Club of Bombay / Speaker / Gateway  / I’m Astounded By How Quickly India Can Change!

I’m Astounded By How Quickly India Can Change!

In a remarkable turn of events, Guest of Honor, Mrs. Maneka Gandhi, who’s list of achievements and contribution is beyond compare, decided to give us an insight into the various projects initiated and undertaken by her Ministry. It was none of what one would expect from a Minister, but rather a truth-telling tale.

Starting her tenure in a borrowed office, and with nothing having been done, gave her an opportunity to bring in the reforms she envisioned. She broadly divided her work into three sections, i.e. women & children’s safety and defense, women’s economic empowerment as well as their social empowerment.

In order to ensure women’s safety, it was important to sensitize the police. This systemic change was done by increasing the ratio of policewomen to 33% in 7 states and Union Territories.

The next step was to create Sakhi centers, which are one-stop centers equipped with a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, nurse and 8 beds. Other important initiatives under Women’s safety include the incorporation of the panic button in cellphones, Shaurya Dals, etc.

The 1098 Child Helpline, run in association with TISS and 700 NGOs, assures a turn-around time of 1 hour. is a platform for reporting and tracking of missing children.

While legislation is in progress to ban child trafficking, about 4 lac children are sold outside the country every year. Another very important project is Beti Bachao as it aims at correcting the male-female ratio along the western length of the country.

In a bid to strengthen women entrepreneurs, Mahila e-Haat, an online marketing platform for women was launched in association with Amazon.

Concluding her speech, Mrs. Gandhi reiterated, that people who open their hearts do so for all, and not in fragments.