Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Installation of President Framroze Mehta 2020-21

Installation of President Framroze Mehta 2020-21


Framroze has been a Mumbaikar since the day he was born on July 18, 1957. He did his schooling from St. Mary’s School (ISC) and graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the prestigious Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics.

He is the Chief Executive Officer of Pheroze Framroze & Co Pvt Ltd, one of the oldest and most well reputed dealers in foreign exchange and having a presence pan-India. A household name in the currency business for the past 73 years.

A businessman by profession, Framroze is also the Proprietor of Holidays@Leisure, a travel agency specialising in tailor made leisure travel for families and friends. He also has major interests in the Distribution and Retail of various brands of international and domestic Liquors and in a boutique hotel in the religious town of Shirdi.

He is currently in his second innings on the Managing Committee of the prestigious Willingdon Sports Club and is a Trustee on a few public charitable Trusts.

Framroze was inducted into the Rotary Club of Bombay on July 2, 2002.

Over the years he has been a member of and also Chaired various Service and Non-Service Committees, Gender Equality, Environment, Urban Heritage, Fellowship, Animal Welfare, to name a few.

On his road to being President, Framroze was a Director in the years 2011-12 and 2012-13 and thereafter Hon. Jt. Secretary in the years 2015-16 and 2016-17.

Framroze is also a Paul Harris plus 2.

He is married for 36 years to Zarina who is homoeopath. They have 3 sons: Pheroze who is an advocate at the Bombay High Court, Rohaan who has just completed his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and Zahan who is currently doing his Masters in the Fine Arts.

Framroze is CMAS certified scuba diver having delved into the deep blue in Lakshadweep, Thailand, Malaysia, Dubai and Mexico. He is also an avid listener of Jazz music.




No man is an island. Every human should have friends. Fali Mehta is a whole continent!!!
My first encounter with Fali goes back to the time he was courting his wife Zarina. He came in his white Fiat to our hospital, where Zee was working as a student, to fetch her. I looked him over and thought “you better be good for her or you have me to reckon with”. Needless to say as I got to know him, I became his biggest fan. If there was a fan club, I’d be the president!!

As I got to know Fali and became his friend, it showed me a whole new meaning to the word FRIEND. He embodies the word. He is a rock you can depend on, lean on in difficulty, know that he’ll be there for you anytime, day or 2 am if you need.

Many instances come to mind, but I’ll share with you a few. I was starting my practice as an obstetrician and gynaecologist and did not have the means to procure a clinic, Fali said.

“Let’s go speak to Dad and we’ll work it out.” Two days later with his help I had the means to start my career – no fuss, no questions. That is him. Supportive to the nth degree, without question.

In a crisis, you can depend on Fali to be level headed, cool and logical. I once had a car accident and was close to hysterical. I called Fali, he reached the police station even before I did and was there to sort out everything.

Helpful to any and everybody, you can be sure of him. Even if he did not know the person, if you told him and he could do it, he will help.

Integrity and straightforwardness is part of his circulatory system, along with a very compassionate heart.

Generous to a fault, that’s Fali. When we were still resident doctors, earning a meagre stipend, Fali, at the end of the day, would always treat us, never let us suffer what the canteen passed off as food. Even now when we can afford it, still it’s Fali.

I have been blessed to have Fali as my FRIEND, strong, always there for you, non-judgmental, straightforward and full of fun and laughter. Very sporting too, one of his birthdays, we made him a headset of feathers, gave him a sword, and made him ride on horseback following a nankhatai band. Yes, he did it all – that›s the spirit of the man.

Dr. Avan N. Dadina



Few people in their early sixties can claim to have known their class buddies from school for over half a century.
That’s how far back Fali and I go! And I’m not the only one; there are at least half a dozen others like me, with whom Fali goes back as far, or further. Clearly, when Fali makes friends, they’re for keeps.

Having known Fali for so long, it is but natural that I would also know his late parents very well. They were excellent hosts – gracious and generous to a fault. Some of the best parties we enjoyed were at their Somerset House home. These were not limited to celebration of Fali’s birthdays. Friends were also welcome to have their birthday bashes there and we have fond memories of the potent “punch” we would stir up, using gut-wrenching alcoholic combinations.

Back in the 70s when Fiats were still in fashion, many of us honed our driving skills on Fali’s trusty old “2072” (a name derived from its registration number). Fali and his 2072 also took us on many exciting, late-night, out-of-town jaunts.

Fali also influenced a lot of our music tastes. He has a wonderful ear for music, a good voice and even played the guitar during our college days (after graduating from playing the bugle for our school band). We continue to share fond memories of the music sessions we had during picnics, parties and just about any occasion.

That, in a nutshell, is Fali. I’m sure he has all the requisite characteristics to do a great job in his new role as President of this prestigious non-profit. All the best, Fali, my friend!

Kaiyomarz Marfatia




I congratulate you on your installation as a club officer for 2020-21.

I hope the upcoming year will be challenging, yet fulfilling. Your leadership team will collaborate to build a strong, engaged club dedicated to strengthening your community, both locally and globally. You will use your years of experience as a Rotarian and as a leader to provide inspiration, motivation, and guidance as we work together to achieve our goals for Rotary.

Use this opportunity to grow your membership, to work closely with Rotaractors, and to continue to improve our virtual meeting skills. Now is the time for change in Rotary to meet the world’s challenges.

In Rotary, we are not afraid to confront some of the world’s most critical and widespread humanitarian issues. When we vaccinate an infant against polio, teach a young adult how to read, or bring water to a village by building a well, we are creating a better world for future generations. We serve the global community, and we’re just getting started.

It is honor to work beside you as we guide our fellow Rotarians to another successful year. I am relying on you as Rotary Opens Opportunities in 2020-21.

Holger Knaack
President, Rotary International 2020-21



Holger Knaack holds a degree in business administration from the University of Applied Sciences Kiel. Since 1995, Holger has been CEO of the real estate company Knaack KG. Previously, he was a partner and General Manager of Knaack Bakery Enterprises, a 125-year-old family business. Holger is Chairman and founder of the Karl-Adam-Stiftung (Karl Adam Foundation). For six years, he also served as Chairman of Rotary Youth Exchange Germany.

A Rotarian since 1991, Holger is a member of the Rotary Club of Herzogtum Lauenburg-Mölln. He was RI Director and RI Treasurer as well as a member of the Executive Committee of the Board. In addition, Holger has served as Council on Legislation Representative, Zone Coordinator, GETS Trainer and RI Training Leader. He has been a member and Chair of numerous RI committees. He was Moderator of the 2019 Rotary International Assembly, Endowment/Major Gift Adviser and Co-Chair of the 2019 Hamburg Convention HOC. Holger is a Major Donor to The Rotary Foundation, a member of the Paul-Harris Society and the Bequest Society. Married to Susanne for 43 years, the couple has hosted more than 40 Rotary Youth Exchange students. In his leisure time, Holger enjoys sailing and playing golf.



About the Rotary International Logo

Rotary International President-elect Holger Knaack is encouraging Rotarians to seize the many opportunities Rotary offers to enrich their lives and the communities they serve.

Rotary isn’t just a club for people to join, but rather “an invitation to endless opportunities,” said Knaack. He emphasized that Rotary creates pathways for members to improve their lives and the lives of those they help through service projects.

“We believe that our acts of service, big and small, create opportunities for people who need our help,” Knaack said. He added that Rotary creates leadership opportunities… to put their service ideas into action and make lifelong connections.

“Everything we do opens another opportunity for someone, somewhere,” said Knaack.

Knaack also urged members to embrace change so Rotary can expand and thrive. He wants clubs to focus on keeping current members engaged and adding new members who are the right fit for their club.

We need to stop thinking of new members as people we can mark down as statistics and then forget about,” Knaack said.

“Every new member changes us a little bit. That person brings a new perspective, new experiences. We need to embrace this constant renewal. We will grow stronger as we learn from new members.”

Knaack pointed to Rotary’s Action Plan as a compass that can guide clubs as they evolve. He recommended that every club have a strategic plan meeting at least once a year. At that meeting, clubs should ask where they want to be in five years and how they can bring more value to their members.

Knaack also wants to see more women in leadership roles and see Rotaractors play an integral role in how new clubs are formed and run. He encouraged district leaders to create new club models and rethink what it means to be in Rotary, and allow young people to be the architects of these new clubs.

“We have to be open to new approaches, and creating unique clubs for younger people is just part of the solution,” said Knaack. “Let Rotaractors decide what kind of Rotary experience works best for them. These young people are bright, energetic, and they get things done.”

In stressing the need for Rotary members to embrace change, Knaack noted that time won’t slow down for Rotary: “We will not let rapid change defeat us. We will capture this moment to grow Rotary, making it stronger, more adaptable, and even more aligned with our core values.”




Dear Visionary President Framroze and the entire Rotary Club of Bombay,

Greeting from Rotary District 3141, First Lady Shilpi and myself.

As we approach the dawn of our Rotary Year, we take on the mantle on 1st July 2020, in very unusual and unprecedented circumstances. This can certainly be viewed as unprecedented opportunities too!!

In normal times we would not find solutions through technology to stay connected, to conduct training sessions, to share experiences and knowledge. But faced with eventualities, we found our path. Visionaries created means and methods Beyond the Ordinary. True to our 2020-21 RI President, Holger Knaack’s theme of the year, “Rotary Opens Opportunities”.

Staying connected is at the core of Rotarians and we stayed closely knit together, inspite of physical distancing.

But then comes the question…. From here where next? I would say, go beyond the ordinary. Your club has the length breadth and width, of resources and commitment to encompass the extraordinary. Lead by example with a perfect 20:20 Vision. Strive to achieve the things and projects planned, by ways and means different from those planned.

Coming around to the current situation, in the lieu of the Pandemic, there is an uncertainty setting in the minds of all. And what would that cause? The fear of the unknown!!! What does the future hold for me, my family, my career, my life??

But have we realised that this is true, everyday! When in life can we truly say that tomorrow will happen absolutely as planned? Never I assume, as uncertainty is a constant “K”. However, we never desire to accept or then embrace it.

When we started planning for the forthcoming Rotary year, there were huge plans, with no uncertainty factor built in at all. Truly we assumed that it would be absolutely smooth, and we would be able to execute to the “T”. Due to “not Covid” reasons, somewhere in the month of December 2019, we realised the need of normal deviations to plans. We realised, though not discussed, the need for a contingency plan. Or what we normally call as Plan B.

Even in our zonal meeting with Rotarians when we went around presenting papers on how to plan projects, one factor strongly emphasised was the need to plan for deviations, variations and alterations. That was to emphasize the need to be aware of the “Unforeseen” factor.

As it turned out, Covid happened! There were initially huge fluctuations in the planned path of handling the situations. But Rotary rose to the occasion, and managed the situation as they are best known to….caught hold of the bull by its horns and served the community. Meals, Medical supplies, and essential needs of the community were distributed to them.

They say, that the only way to overcome fear is to face it. I believe very strongly in this statement. Which fraternity is known to face fear more so on a regular basis, venture out serving the community in spite of the prevalent virus, help eradicate the Polio virus, make India Literate? Yes my friends it’s we Rotarians. No fear can deter our determination, no virus can affect our commitment.

A great number of Visionary projects have been planned with various levels of interventions your club can contemplate. The choice of projects that you wish to execute or then participate in, is an autonomous choice of the club.

There are two I wish to highlight, Rotary Angels and Givers Gain. These “Visionary” projects are simple, easy to do and my desire is that every club should participate. They touch families, impact communities, and individuals, through a very simplistic approach.

A new initiative also being introduced is “Mentor Clubs”. We would like Mature clubs to hand hold some new/growing clubs, and do joint projects and fellowships, in the process help them grow to do larger and impactful projects in the years to come. This will be very meaningful as they traverse the journey together towards making them Vibrant Clubs.

Synergising is the need of the hour. Growing together is the fundamental of our Fraternity. Serving together is at our core.

Here is wishing you well, ensure you stay safe and all the best in the year 2020-21.

Yours in Rotary
Rtn. Sunnil Mehra
DG 2020-21
RI District 3141



DG Sunnil Mehra joined Rotary Club of Bombay Pier in 1998 and was the President of the club in the year 2008-09. During his Presidential year he won 26 awards collectively from Rotary International and Rotary District 3140.

His dream project is to make the entire Rotary district 3141-Disabled Friendly, which will allow the Disabled and the Elderly to move around with dignity.

He is happily married to Shilpi, a Rotarian and an Inner wheel member. She is also Past President of RC Mumbai Lakers and RC Bombay Pier. They are Major Donor Couple Level Two. They are blessed with three children. Shradha married to Nirav Virani and blessed with two grandchildren Avika and Nivaan. Their daughter Aishani has done her Graduation in Multi Media in computer and is currently working in the family business and son Sukrit, who has completed his BTech in USA.

Sunnil claims his blood group is R+, which means Rotary positive as he is sure service flows in his blood.




Dear Zarina and Fali,

It is with great joy and enthusiasm that we are looking forward to the year ahead. The new normal has made us explore uncharted waters and as a community we have all learnt to adapt and forge ahead in the changed circumstances.

Sometimes, in your busy schedule, we are sure this has come as a boon enabling optimum use of your time. You will, I am sure, find opportunities in adversities. May you capitalise on the tremendous goodwill you enjoy among our members. We have no doubt that not only will Rotary Open Opportunities for our Club, but with both of you as our leaders, our Club will also “Open Opportunities for Rotary” in the coming year ! Malini and I are only a phone call away for any support you may need.

Warm regards and good luck !

Malini and Sandip

PP Rtn. Sandip Agarwalla

District Governor Nominee for RI Dist 3141 (22-23)

What does one say about our much loved and popular incoming President Rtn Framroze Mehta (our Fali baba) – for some ‘Forex Fali’ and for some others ‘Daruwala Fali’ …. All this means only one thing …. A very versatile Fali.

A very down to earth and grounded human being ….. always impish and fun loving.

But make no mistake, he is a very serious, dedicated and focused on the task he undertakes.

I came to know about Fali through Gautam as Fali, Shiavax and Gautam have been friends since about mid-90’s. My interaction with Fali, really began when I joined our Club in 2004 – when Fali was already a member. I have had the occasion of working with Fali as members of the Urban Heritage Committee, as Co-Directors during PP Sonya’s year and as Office Bearers since his nomination as President Nominee. I cannot thank Fali enough for all the support and assistance that he extended during my term as President. It was a great joy to work together.

Fali is very clear in his thought, decisive and meticulous in planning and execution. He is open to ideas and hears out people. These are qualities required for every President of our Club.

I have known Zarina (Zee as we refer to her) to be a very level headed person – she has been Fali’s pillar of support and always so caring.

It will be a great year ahead and Fali is more than upto the task.

Fali, you will always have my support – standing besides you and sharing views as always.

Shernie, it’s now your turn to be his understudy and support as President Elect – there’s a lot to learn from this wonderful person.

Let’s all make President Framroze Mehta and his team’s year a terrifically great one.

IPP Rtn. Preeti Mehta