Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Medical  / Leave A Legacy

Leave A Legacy

Anushka Reshamwala, granddaughter of PP Rajnikant Reshamwala and daughter of Rtn. Manish Reshamwala, has begun an organ donation initiative called Leave A Legacy with three friends. The effort has been entirely shouldered by Anushka and her friends without any help from their parents.

Anushka writes: 500,000 people in India die every year waiting for an organ transplant and this number has increased in recent years.

We only realised this when we almost lost someone close to us; she was diagnosed with SARS CoV-2, which affected her lungs severely, damaging them to the extent that they could not be saved. After months of waiting at the hospital, she was the fortunate recipient of a donor lung, but many do not have this opportunity.

The biggest reason for unavailability of organs is lack of awareness. More than 25000 people die in India every day and only 0.01% donate their organs. If we could change the donation percentage from 0.01% to even 0.1%, we will be able to save over a hundred lives a day as one person can save up to 8 lives by donating their organs and other body parts.

At Leave a Legacy, our goal (via our website and Instagram) is to provide visitors with an easier way to learn about organ donation and encourage them to pledge their organs. The things we do for ourselves are gone when we are gone, but the things we do for others remain as our legacy. With this thought, we call our initiative Leave A Legacy.

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