Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Child Welfare Committee  / Little Gopis and Koli Dancers Celebrate The Spirit of Krishna!

Little Gopis and Koli Dancers Celebrate The Spirit of Krishna!

ON Thursday, August 22nd, 2019, students of the Lighthouse class were treated to a storytelling session by a professional storyteller. Sarita Shetty – Creative Writer and Head of Operations of Little Readers Nook, Bandra – a storyteller par excellence, enthralled the children with the story of Krishna’s birth. She used simple props like coloured dupattas and encouraged the audience to participate by performing various actions like blowing a conch to signal the arrival of Lord Vishnu. She kept engagement levels high throughout the 90-minute session. At the end, children were taught how to create a ‘matki’ on paper using simple, rangoli drawing techniques.

Over a hundred students from kindergarten to standard 5 attended the story session. Rtn. Ptn. Ekta Shah participated in the celebrations and distributed barfis, a traditional Janmashtami sweet, to the children before they left. We thank Manisha Ahuja, our mentor from NGO Vidya who organised this creative session and Sarita who brought the story alive and made it interactive.