Rotary Club of Bombay

Club Service

Rotary Club of Bombay / Club Service  / MY YEAR, MY RCB


Dear Ramesh,
A Rotary Year par par excellence. How else could I describe a year full of scaling so many new and higher peaks and, raising the bar even higher?

Our Rotary Club witnessed one of the most spectacular fund raisers (Shankar Mahadevan nite), followed by the launch of Anand Yaan, expansion of existing projects e.g. the Cotton Green Medical Centre and the Museum Solar Power. Importantly, keeping the long term and the future of RCB in mind, but at the same time setting high benchmarks and new trends in fund raising. This also was a year when our RCB received lots of media attention and bytes.

A usually difficult task but managed so very well, the lining up of excellent speakers, made our Tuesdays so interesting and to look forward to.

And between all this terrific and high powered good work, we enjoyed the very many excellent fellowship events and trips.

Having had the opportunity to be part of your team and watching you first hand was indeed a great and learning experience. Your dedication, clarity and focused approach has made Rotary year 2017-2018 indeed a memorable one for a long long time.

And above all of this, is Ramesh Narayan the person – a genuine, caring, dedicated and from the heart approach and attitudes. Ramesh, it has been Gautam and my pleasure and privilege to getting to know you even better during the year. You my friend certainly Rock great…

Warm regards,
Preeti Mehta


Ramesh this was truly your year. In terms of the passion and gusto you brought in to the Rotary and your infectious enthusiasm that enthused all of us to give our best. Wayto go Ramesh! Am proud to have gotten to know you and privileged to have had a chance to work with you. You are truly an inspiration to all of us.

Rtn. Vrinda Rajgarhia