Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / The international committee  / New Twin Club, Rotary Club Of Jerusalem

New Twin Club, Rotary Club Of Jerusalem

Being a part of Rotary International, which is working on 34 Clubs belonging to James Wheeler Davidson founded Clubs, our Rotary Club of Bombay (RCB) being one of them, we were on the lookout for other Clubs to join us as Twin Clubs.

When we realised that Rotary Club of Jerusalem (RCJ) was also part of the JWD-founded Clubs, we were able to contact their Immediate Past President, Rtn. Robert Hammer. With the help of our friends in Israel, including the Consul General of Israel in Mumbai, Mr. Ya’akov Finkelstein, our PP Gul Kripalani was successful in convincing the Board of RCJ on October 14th, 2020 to join hands with RCB.

We have now exchanged Twin Club Certificates as per attachment and have also signed an Agreement with RCJ to explore possibilities of working together on projects globally as our partners. That Agreement has been signed by President Dieter Ziulkowski on behalf of the Rotary Club of Jerusalem and our own President Framroze Mehta on behalf of RCB.

Gul has volunteered to organise a trip for our Club members to visit Israel and enjoy the magic of Jerusalem. Of course, you all know what Israel can offer and of course, what Jerusalem can offer. In turn, President Framroze Mehta has invited the members of RC Jerusalem to visit us and enjoy all that Mumbai has to offer.

It will be a blessing for us to work with RCJ as our new partners.