Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Note From President Shernaz Vakil

Note From President Shernaz Vakil


We are on a recce to plan our fellowship to Mahabaleshwar, to be held in early March. Of course, this is also a great excuse to enjoy the idyllic weather the amazing forests and great walks, free of masks and crowds.

It’s the perfect destination in these uncertain and challenging times. Hopefully, by March 4th, the variant would have faded, allowing more of us to feel brave and venture out.

As I sit in 14-degree weather and look out at the vista of mountains and forests, I see nature at its best, just five driving hours from our city. I do hope many Rotarians will take this opportunity to get together, bond and de-stress in nature at its best! In addition, we look forward to enjoying the generosity of our resident Rotarians who spoil us with their amazing hospitality.

We have another fun fellowship planned in mid-February. This is to inaugurate the Elder Day Care Center in Awas Alibaug. PP Ashish Vaid has truly done an excellent job of setting up a lovely independent cottage for the elders of the area to come in, relax and enjoy the company of fellow seniors.

Thanks to the donations collected by PP Paul George and the munificent donation from late Nalin and Anita Parikh we, at RCB, will be able to serve another community.

We have planned a day trip extendable to two for those that wish to, once again enjoying the hospitality of fellow Rotarians. It’s been two years since we had our last fellowship and it’s about time we get out, get going and bring back the bonhomie of old!

— President Shernaz Vakil