Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Note From President Shernaz Vakil

Note From President Shernaz Vakil


Whilst working on a compilation for a coffee table book on 101 vintage clubs by the Rotary Club of Poona, there was a question on what makes our Club special or unique.

Is it that we have such a historic legacy that, for instance, four successive generations have been part of the same
Club, with two of them having been President?

Or is it that one member visualised and initiated four major and sustainable projects of the Club that continue to this day?

Is it the spontaneous giving of funds to our Elders Day Care Centre when there was a project overrun?

Or is it a stalwart who gave his life to our eye centre, and another who continues to do so?

Is it the spontaneous giving of funds, unasked but from the heart?

Or is it the galaxy of stars that our Club incubates who give of their services tirelessly?

From the very beginning when Sir Phiroze Sethna joined as the only non-European founder member to the present day, as we ready to appoint our first DG in 42 years, our Club has bred stalwarts, each member giving of his time, energy, and funds to support the good work we do.

Perhaps it is in the process that we follow to induct new members, discerning and choosing of the very best.

Or it could be the systems and procedures that are set to make our Club run on fair and equitable means.

There is an invisible code of conduct that requires the utmost transparency and fair play in the way we work.

In other words, we follow our Rotary path of truth and fairness to all, as we serve the inequities around us.

Our legacy haunts us, as we stay true to our past values and define the quality of the members we allow in, to become part of RCB.

— President Shernaz Vakil