Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Note From President Shernaz Vakil

Note From President Shernaz Vakil


Friday night was very special. All our members were in high spirits (notwithstanding the premium liquor that flowed), joyful at meeting each other after close to two years.

It was a lovely, cool night and the bright and cheerful atmosphere added to the bonhomie amongst the members present.

Everyone I met said just one thing: Thank you for opening up, we needed this happy break. And what better time than the auspicious occasion of Diwali!

Thanks to Rtn. Ptn. Gauri & PP Vijay Jatia, and Rtn. Ptn. Malini & DGE Sandip Agarwalla for all their effort in making the evening such a success! Thanks, too, to the generous hosts who came forward so willingly to give our members a wonderful start to the festival season.

Meanwhile, at a completely different venue and time, our Club was able to bring some joy and happiness to a small group of children with cancer who struggled to stay positive whilst going through a tedious recovery.

The pain in their eyes momentarily vanished as they sang their way through the morning, valiantly flashing a smile as they acknowledged our presence.

May the Festival of Lights bring joy to those alone and in pain and may we continue to support those in our community that need us, as we revel in our own fellowships.

— President Shernaz Vakil