Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Note From President Shernaz Vakil

Note From President Shernaz Vakil


In Rotary we hear the words scale and impact and mega-projects, and reach, etc. All very worthy concepts and necessary when we are trying to do maximum service.

However, in all this, we cannot lose sight of the individuals we are trying to serve. We cannot lose sight of the old farmer in the field who joyfully exclaims he has started selling chillies now. Or the older woman who sidles up and says she has overcome her depression after joining our classes. Or the young boy who proudly tells his first story in English. Or the little girl who blinks through the crowd with a new heart. Or the many individuals we impact every day and who silently bless RCB.

So many individuals receive our Club’s largesse and its ability to garner funds. But how many have heard our voice or felt our touch or vented their pain in our ears? I am equally guilty of not having personally reached out to the people that our many projects touch. Of course, there was the pandemic, but would we have found the time or inclination otherwise? I would be hypocritical if I didn’t admit that I did not make the time to personally reach out. Sometimes I feel we need to do more than just connect the dots. I see smaller clubs who may not have the funds but have the spirit of service as they go into the community and do the work.

Perhaps we could do more.

As we induct younger members, we should send them out as ambassadors, to do good work and to show we care beyond our funding. And I believe RCB will always stay ahead not because of the money we spend but also because most members show heart.

Show some love, RCB, and remember what Rotary founder Paul Harris famously said: “If you have the love of your fellow men in your heart, my friend, you are a potential Rotarian.

— President Shernaz Vakil