Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Note From President Shernaz Vakil

Note From President Shernaz Vakil


As I sit looking out at the flower filled garden in the cool morning air of Mahabaleshwar, I recall and anticipate the joy and fun a Rotary fellowship brings.

Over the past close to 20 years, we have attended almost every fellowship that our Club has put together.

From Corbett, when I was yet to become a member to Greece and Turkey when we were a fellowship of 4 (Vakil Vakil and Lawyer), the experiences have been memorable!

We have visited the most exotic locations from Iceland and South Korea to Uzbekistan, Pondicherry, and Bhutan; it’s been a holiday off the beaten path.

Trips that are superbly curated for us to see and enjoy the best each country has to offer, peppered with special requests from some discerning Rotarian.

More than anything it’s been an opportunity to get familiar with fellow Rotarians who we would otherwise summarily salute at a Tuesday meeting.

Fellowships to Mahabaleshwar’s verdant mountains have been many, starting with high tea at Zinia’s to the fun, food and frolic at the Vakharia’s and Vaid’s, each opening up their homes and hospitality for us to enjoy!

Tea at Zinia’s… distracted by the glorious garden and the treat-laden table, where fellowship took a happy second place!


An early morning trek on Tiger Path brought out the poetry in us; the woods are lovely, dark, and deep… and we have promises to keep.

The only promise we jolly crew had to keep was our tryst at the Vakharia’s!

And what a splendid afternoon it was!

The forest and mountains around us, as we sipped Bloody Mary and rocked to the sounds of the ’70s. The repast as always bountiful and delicious, a feast to the eyes and soul!

How could we possibly make it to the golf course, even for that perfunctory stroll?

And then to the Oaks, and the evening at the Vaid’s, we were star-struck by the glorious setting on the lawns of their beautiful home.

Lit-up trees, fairy lights, a crescent moon and melodious jazz made a super setting for a special night. Intimate and warm, the fellowship grew into a joyful bonding as the ladies jumped up to move to the beat of Jerusalem!

Sunday morning and coffee at Frere Hall to hear our dear octogenarian Jaisinh regale us with the British beginnings of Mahabaleshwar, the Chinese influence, and how important it was to keep the forests alive and green.

Then to the final lap of our happy fellowship, lunch at the tree house at Uday, a familyrun and family-serving hotel. No trip to Mahabaleshwar is complete till we lust over their ghee-laced puranpoli and khandvi.

A fitting end to a gourmand sojourn in the hills!

— President Shernaz Vakil