Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Note From President Shernaz Vakil

Note From President Shernaz Vakil


A few days ago, we visited the Asiatic Library.

Housed in a magnificent heritage building at Horniman Circle, an extraordinary woman now heads this legacy of the British.

Vispi Balaporia and her team have spent many years working diligently to keep the library functioning and organising the many activities of the Asiatic Society.

We were meeting for the first time in person as the Urban Heritage Committee since there were previous commitments that required discussion. During PP Sonya Mehta’s year, our Club took up restoration not only of the offices but also the historic maps and treasured tomes through donations from Hermès, etc.

Being here was like reliving an era gone by where people would come to this space to read and research from an incredible array of books collected over the past 300-odd years. As we sat in the Darbar Hall and discussed how to help the Asiatic Society and library, it dawned on me that we could have our Club Assembly at this heritage venue.

So, RCB will hold its first Club Assembly of the year against the oldworld charm of a room conceived many years ago and adorned by the portraits of worthy citizens of yore.

We will also hold an exclusive map-viewing of the restored maps for our members at a special function sometime in December.

As we moved from room to room and our hosts implored us to find a way to support both their cause and the literary treasures that would soon be lost to the world, it felt like a travesty that the world had moved on and let go of such grace and charm.

Technology had overtaken the warmth and style of a musty reading room… So why would anyone with information at their fingertips refer to some old books?

Yet, I believe, if we could find one individual with the means to restore these treasured books and revitalise these reading rooms, the city would be able to preserve its legacy.

— President Shernaz Vakil