Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Note From President Shernaz Vakil

Note From President Shernaz Vakil


Having hunkered down for over 18 months, many of our projects had to be either curtailed or even closed down.

When I took over, we faced a kind of transition period, as one by one our projects restarted in phases. This was and is the perfect time to reassess our initiatives, reevaluate their scope and understand whether they continued to meet their original mandate. Were we making the same impact? Did our costs and expenses meet the criteria of achieving the best reach we could?

A lot of these questions needed to be asked and answers to be found in discussion with our NGO partners.

RCB accepts donations against a clear mandate promised to the donor. Were we fulfilling these completely? We had a moral responsibility not only to the donors whose money we had accepted in trust, but to the beneficiaries in whose name we had collected the funds. This is a huge responsibility and cannot be taken lightly.

So, as I started to assess each project, I realised that the pandemic and the long hiatus had impacted the scope of our projects. It also became apparent that we needed to re-look at some of our long-term projects and find better ways to make an impact.

We needed to find newer ways to face the challenges of physical distancing.

It also became apparent that any changes that were made would need to be sustainable and acceptable to the Presidents that followed.

So, the concept of a three-year plan evolved, and a draft was developed which will require consensus from the next three Presidents. We are working on this and hopefully will have a plan shortly. RCB’s reputation as a premier Club must stay untarnished, always faithful to its past legacy.

— President Shernaz Vakil