Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / Note From President Vineet Bhatnagar

Note From President Vineet Bhatnagar

New Year Greetings. It is my sincere hope that 2023 brings our members and their loved ones, new joys, good health and long term success.

Every New Year, most of us jot down new wish lists and bigger goals. Whilst this works as a reasonable approach that provides motivation and clarity, I am wishing that this year brings clear focus on items that must become a constant in our lives. It is a popular adage – change is the only constant. I would like to offer the counter point – let a few things never change.

The Four Way Test propounded and adopted universally by Rotary Clubs is one such list that must continue to be a constant in our lives. The critical yet simple and comprehensive value guidance that the test offers is remarkable. The relevance of these principles will persist through every time period and across different contextual settings.

The quest for Truth; Ongoing search for fairness to maximum; Creating an environment of sustainable goodwill and friendships; Formulating interventions that have the potential to bring about benefit to maximum are maxims that must define the conduct of each one of us. More so, for those who personify the movement called Rotary.

In a changing world where there is growing competition even amongst charitable organisations and philanthropic initiatives, it is important for Rotarians to continue to apply a time-tested yardstick against which impact of our
every intervention gets evaluated. It is noteworthy to mention that the framework of Four Way Test does not conflict with any of the social impact assessment metric sheet.

In a world that is replete with “good till dates” it is a relief that there are a few that come with an unlimited shelf life. The Four Way Test of Rotary is indeed one such compilation. Best example of Old is Gold.

— President Vineet Bhatnagar