Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Nutrition ( Akshay Patra)  / Nutrition Committee Update

Nutrition Committee Update

The Nutrition Committee with the following members Harry Singh Arora, Ekta Shah, Avaan Vakharia, Anar Shah, Mahesh Khubchandani planned on carrying the following activities at 5 Bhavishya Yaan Schools everyday.
• Distributing bananas
• Distributing Threptin biscuits as a source of protein twice a week in all 5

In addition, over a continuing programme, they are distributing peanuts / chana and protein snacks in

Ambedkar and G K Marg Bhavishya Yaan schools everyday.

This is being done as the Maharashtra Government has not spent any of the Rs. 10 crores allocated to alleviating malnutrition in children.

They are also starting a programme for awareness of having nutritious food through Sanskar Foundation headed by Mrs. Kiran Madaan who is the wife of MMRDA commissionerMr. U P S Madan, and, is personally taking interest in starting this programme and has designed the module for the committee.

A list of 90 classes from 56 schools has been put together where the programme can be conducted. The programme will run from January 2018 to March 2018 and would be completed in around 2- 3 sessions in each of the classes from the selected schools (based on time allotted by schools). The sessions will be conducted once a week in each class and time tables will be fixed as per school permissions received for the same. Over 3000 children will benefit from the same. This will be scaled up to 4000 when permission for the additional schools comes in.

Through the programme, children will be made to understand the importance of correct nutrition for a healthy life. Constituents of our diet and the importance of each of them for various parts of the body’s growth and functioning will be emphasised. Learning about a balanced diet, they will also be introduced to the deleterious effects of junk food and fast food. Healthy preparation of tasty fast food will be discussed and interesting recipes for nutritional snacks will be shared / demonstrated. Additionally children will be made to understand the importance of exercise for healthy living. A game or quiz will strengthen concepts and make learning enjoyable.

The cost of the entire programme would be Rs.2,70,000 only.