Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Rotaract  / Pause The Hour

Pause The Hour

The Community Service Team of The Rotaract Club of Jai Hind College planned an initiative called “Pause The Hour” on September 2nd, 2020 from 17:00 to 22:00 hours, to encourage individuals and communities to know the importance of Mother Earth.

The participants had to switch off all the lights in a single room of their house for one hour between 17:00 to 22:00. They were requested to avoid the use of any electronic devices so that they could feel connected to nature.

They were also requested to post an Instagram story describing how they felt about spending the hour in an eco-friendly way.

The team requested the participants to share their experience on their Instagram stories and help spread awareness about the importance of nature.

Some stories were posted on the official Instagram handle of the Rotaract Club of Jai Hind college in order to inspire the society for working towards the betterment of nature and valuing electricity.

The stories created a strong impact and encouraged more people to take up the concept of eco hour.

The team was glad to have been able to encourage individuals and communities to know the importance of Mother Earth and intends to continue working towards the betterment of the environment.