Rotary Club of Bombay

Cancer Aid

Rotary Club of Bombay / Cancer Aid  / Poster Competition by the Cancer Aid Committee

Poster Competition by the Cancer Aid Committee

Children in India are particularly vulnerable and in every 16 seconds, a child in India tries tobacco for the first time. This means that every day, 5500 Indian children try tobacco for the first time. Up to onethird of these children are under the age of 10 years. 14.6% of youth aged 13 to 15 years currently use tobacco products. 15.5% of youth who do not smoke are likely to initiate smoking in the next year. By the time these children reach adulthood, one in two men and one in five women will use tobacco regularly.

Children from BMC schools lack the life skills needed to cope with these stressors and to combat the pervasive pressure use tobacco. Low self-esteem and self-confidence, coupled with a lack of leadership, communicationand problem-solving skills affect how these children and youth navigate the world. These factors strongly influence the children’s abilities to make sound decisions for their lives and futures.

Cancer Aid Committee Update
After the children made the anti-tobacco posters, they were then taken to the Byculla police station on 20th December.

Looking into these ground realities Salaam Bombay Foundation and Cancer Aid Committee of Rotary Club Of Bombay have joined hands together in implementing the three year Super Army – In School Leadership & Tobacco awareness programme (7th ,8th & 9th std) in Byculla East.

This year the school level drawing competitions for Byculla East Mun. School was conducted on 15th December 2017 in which 102 awareness level students participated.

The process of drawing competitions started a month back where in the students were oriented about the competition and they were time given to put their thoughts in the drawing. The principals and teachers were made aware about the activity and with the permission of Principal 15th December was selected as the day to conduct the competitions.

On the date of competition the students were gathered at the school hall and the competitions commenced at sharp 10 am. The students poured in innumerous ideas in their drawings. The students were able to disseminate information and awareness on tobacco through their drawings, these drawings showed us that the children have understood the hazards of tobacco and are ready On the date of competition the students were gathered at the school hall and the competitions commenced at sharp 10 am. The students poured in innumerous ideas in their drawings. The students were able to disseminate information and awareness on tobacco through their drawings, these drawings showed us that the children have understood the hazards of tobacco and are ready to lead their school to become free from tobacco.

To select the best 4 drawings the Principal of school Mr. Vidam Bole was invited by seeing the drawings he was very elated and he said “The students have created beautiful drawings and also through their thoughts they were able to convey the harmful effects of tobacco, so through this they will stay away from tobacco. I wish the students in their future endeavours in making their school free from tobacco. I thank Rotary Club of Bombay and Salaam Bombay Foundation for their efforts in tobacco control and wish the programme continues and the students get these opportunities in future also.”

Cancer Aid Committee Update
After the children made the antitobacco posters, they were then taken to the Byculla police station on 20th December.

Through an awareness session and a street play the students disseminated information about tobacco and got support from the police personnel for their endeavor for a tobacco free environment.