Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message

Dear Friends,

Our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, said, “A clean India would be the best tribute India could pay to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary in 2019,” as he launched the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan / Mission at Rajpath in New Delhi. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is the most significant cleanliness campaign with various dimensions and initiatives, such as eradication of open defecation, building of toilets, sanitation programmes, zero waste, banning of single use plastic, etc. by the Government of India with about 30 lakh government employees across the country joining in this pledge.

Lauding the Prime Minister for improving sanitation in the country through the Swachh Bharat Mission, Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates said now is the time to build on the success of the movement. It is the duty of every citizen to participate in this most significant issue which is the dire need of the hour.

The Prime Minister has brought the issues to the limelight and it is for the entire country to support. The recent ‘Global Goalkeeper’ award by the Gates Foundation to this initiative and programme augurs well for it.

I am glad to say that RID 3141, including our Club, has taken the initiative in this regard with cleanliness drives at railway stations, beaches, etc.

Also, as the country prepares for a complete ban on single use plastic from October 2nd under the Swachh Bharat Mission, RID 3141, including our Club, is already leading by example by undertaking initiatives in this regard.

Once again, we had an interesting and informative weekly meeting listening to our Guest Speaker Mr. Zulfiquar Memon who addressed the Club on “The Evolution of White Collar Crime and the Legal Practice”.

Also, on September 21st, our Club was well represented at the TRF Seminar. I am happy to share that both our Club and our members and donors were well acknowledged and recognised.

‘Fall Prevention Week’ is a tremendous idea and initiative for awareness on the subject of educating elders on preventive measures to avoid falls and consecutive fractures and injuries. As part of the ‘Fall Prevention Week’, on September 24th, under the leadership of Dr. Mona Shah and our PP Rtn. Ramesh Narayan, an infotainment program was organised for the underprivileged elders of Ananda Yaan and other centres. A unique initiative to educate elders on fall prevention and avoiding fractures and injuries interspersed with entertainment. Our MC Rtn. Ptn. Ekta Shah was remarkable. And, of course, the evening couldn’t have been complete without listening to the melodious songs sung by our very own nightingale, Rtn. Ptn. Vandana Daga. A very well organised evening giving the elders an experience they couldn’t have dreamt of. Ananda Yaan Team… take a bow. A special thank you to our very own Rtn. Indu Shahani and the Rotaractors of ISME for the superb arrangements and their warm hospitality.

Preeti Mehta