Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message


“Someone strong enough to pull sleds and find bombs, yet gentle enough to love babies and lead the blind. Someone who will spend all day on the couch with a resting head and supportive eyes to lift spirits of a broken heart. So God made a dog.” – Unknown

In today’s day and age where we all seem to be rushing to something or the other; stressed with the day to day occurrences of our mundane lives where we spend three fourths of it tucked behind a screen of some sort a pet is a gentle reminder of the innocence we have all lost all too quickly. When the little fur ball looks up at you with those innocent eyes and wagging tail; for just a moment, no matter however brief; we seem to be present in that very moment. Those moments seem to be becoming rarer each day.

As social beings there is one thing we all want, it is to be loved and to belong. This has been the pursuit of our race since the beginning of time. And if you have ever looked into the eyes of dog you will find both, because to them you are their entire world.

On the other hand studies have shown that having a pet not only decreases stress levels but also has numerous other advantages. Reduced cardiac diseases, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, better overall cardiovascular health, increase in activity levels, stave off depression to name a few. (Kristen Sturt, Huffpost, 2021)

Yes, there is work involved in keeping a pet and there is a cost involved but if you can manage a little more responsibility in your life, there is very little downside to welcoming a pet into your family.

Framroze Mehta