Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message


While the benefits of working from home are many, not being in the same physical location as your co-workers can hinder your ability to get things done if you have a difficult time with selfdiscipline or holding yourself accountable. It can also be tough if you thrive around other people. This is why it’s important to stay inspired and connected to your mission. Here are some work-from-home tips to help you do that.

Remember “why” to stay inspired…

The best way to maintain work-at-home motivation is to keep your “why” front and centre. Your “why” is your purpose – it is the reason you do the work you do.

So what is your “why”? Draft a “why” statement and keep it in front of you, to keep you inspired while you work.

If you lead or manage others, create start-up + shutdown rituals…

A start-up ritual primes your mind to crush the day. A shut-down ritual helps you ease-out of the workday. Examples of start-up rituals are things like: going for a walk before starting your work, journaling, envisioning your day, saying affirmations, or engaging in a healthy morning routine at home prior to beginning your work. The goal is to prime your mind to get into work-mode, which is something that can be especially challenging while working from home.

Another challenge for people is transitioning from “work” to “home” when your work and your home are under the same roof. Having a regular shut-down ritual can help ease you out of work-mode.

Whichever way you do it, having a start-up + shut-down ritual can help you create a nice mental distinction between “working” at home and “being” at home.

Framroze Mehta