Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message

Dear Friends,

We are in the last month of the year 2018 and soon we shall be stepping into the New Year.

Let us treat the New Year as a blank book with pages waiting to be written. Let us define what goes into that book. By sticking to the goals each committee had set and implementing the same with vigour, we can turn them to reality.

Our Fellowship Committee has organised a Christmas Brunch on December 16, at Artisan, Sofitel Hotel, BKC, 12 noon onwards. Do join us for the last fellowship of 2018. We request you to get in touch Rashmi at the Rotary office. Hoping to see all of you. It would be wonderful to see each and every member attend this get-together.

The next meeting on December 18 will be held at the Cricket Club of India.

Kindly note that there shall be no meeting on Tuesday, December 25th on account of bank holiday.

Thank You,
Rtn. Vijay Jatia,