Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message


Life for stray animals and their caretakers before the pandemic and lockdown was challenging. It was full of ignorance and apathy at its best and cruelty and violence at its worst. Currently, the plight of strays during these trying times is worse than normal in many ways with a growing number of hit-and-run accidents and cruelty cases, abandonment of pets on the streets, difficulty to feed and treat starving animals with everchanging and arbitrary restrictions, unfounded fear in terms of Covid transmission etc. Many already overburdened shelters and NGOs are now
understaffed, overpopulated and face considerable financial strain. Yes, the lives of these animals is far too shocking and moving to ignore or overlook.

The Hon’ble Delhi High Court in 2011 passed an order asking the police to provide protection to dogs and dog feeders and has made it a punishable offence if anyone restricts, prohibits or causes inconvenience to any person feeding a street dog or resorts to removal or dislocation or killing of a dog.

It is in these trying times that the human spirit of kindness, helping, sharing and doing right is truly tested. We must be kind, in the very least, to our own community animals, but even better that by donating in whatever measure, meagre to large, towards supporting organisations that are continuing their good work, in the face of extreme adversity, negativity and lack of support. In ancient literature and scriptures the human species relationship with and proximity to care for animals has been spoken of and examples quoted galore. There must indeed be great merit and
substance in it.

During testing times like the present, when we humans are seriously re-evaluating and restructuring ways in which we preserve nature and use it in a sustainable way, this issue, too, has presently spoken out to us, amplified the urgent need for our care and compassion, and our respect for all life.

Framroze Mehta