Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message


The one day we look forward to is the Official Club Visit of the District Governor. It’s the day we get to showcase the work done by our Club. And truth be told, it’s the day the District Governor showers praise and acknowledges that the Rotary Club of Bombay has made a difference to the numerous lives that we have touched.

On Tuesday, April 13th, 2021, District Governor Sunnil Mehra and Team District graced us with their presence. In the closed-door meeting, initially with the Office Bearers and then with the Board of Directors, DG Sunnil was effusive in his praise for the continuous and various projects done during the year. Due acknowledgement was given to the fact that RCB is a leader that most clubs look up to in District 3141 (and beyond, as I am often told) and individual Committee Reports, detailing all the work done, were complimented too.

However, it was the interactive discussions that were most interesting and informative. Giving by every Rotarian to the various funds of Rotary International was focused upon. And the emphasis on donating towards the Annual Fund was impressed upon, since it is this Fund that would help future Presidents, using a multiplier factor, to apply for and receive Global Grants that are required for large, scalable and sustainable projects. This fact was reiterated by TRF Trustee Gulam Vahanvaty at the regular meeting held that very day.

Hence, I appeal to each and every Rotarian to fulfil his/her duty to Rotary International and donate to the Annual Fund any amount you feel appropriate, since we today must think of the future and ensure that a healthy and robust Annual Fund is available to future leaders of Rotary to carry on with the phenomenal philanthropic service that makes us true to what we believe in as Rotarians.

Framroze Mehta