Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message


Many things differentiate us from each other but of the things that brings most if not all of us together is Viral Animal

  • A live webcam fixed on a bald eagle nest running 24 hours a day to watch an egg hatch.
  • A goat frolics with a baby rhinoceros.
  • A pig nestles up to a house cat.
  • A rat snake makes nice with the dwarf hamster originally intended as its lunch.

Few things can revive our moods and imaginations like these videos. Videos of unlikely animal pairs romping or snuggling have become so common that they are piquing the interest of some scientists, who say such alliances could add to an understanding of how species communicate, what propels certain animals to connect across species lines and the degree to which some animals can adopt the behaviours of other species.

Of course, the most popular reason are dogs. They help us live happier lives.

Many people call their dogs a part of the family and just as important as their children and spouses. In fact, many
romantic partners jokingly argue that they prefer their dog over their spouse and it is not uncommon for couples to fight over custody of the dog after a breakup ensues.

They steal our hearts, chew our shoes and may wreak havoc in our lives, but they always bring us endless amounts of joy and allow us to engage in social interactions.

Additionally, dogs can serve as activity partners, show animals, and surrogates for human companionship.

The companionship, friendship and unconditional love that our four legged friends have given us especially during the lockdown has been especially gratifying. Every wagging tail, every generous lick and every set of puppy eyes reminded us to continue to be strong and to care for those we also love unconditionally.

Framroze Mehta