Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message


The vaccine is out, the numbers were dropping, we were almost back to resuming our lives post lockdown (some happily, some reluctantly), and now suddenly it is almost like having an almost realized dream snatched away.

It upset us, we ranted about the inconvenience of another lockdown/ restrictions forced on us; we blamed the system, the government, the masses. Without taking a moment to realise that we are the system made up of the masses which elected the government and we only have ourselves to blame.

We were socially irresponsible, mingling with each other without taking basic precautions and behaving as though the pandemic was well behind us and now just a great story to share with one another and future generations.

We are all well aware that the evolved strains of the dreaded virus have crossed to our shores and these are not the kind of “tourists” that we want to welcome. In fact, having sneaked in as unwanted visitors, I hope they can be soon “deported” or suitably contained.

Our government has done a stellar job of containing the virus over the past year and we must responsibly assist them in tackling this second wave, even if it means the introduction of Lockdown 2.0

Let us once again face reality head-long and ensure that this time humanity wins against the forces of nature. Together we can achieve the impossible and, as Rotarians, we must evolve our own “second wave” where we continue to educate, assist and encourage our fellow citizens to be safe and be responsible towards one another.

Framroze Mehta