Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message

Dear Friends,

Very warm greetings to each of you.

Over two months have passed since I took over as President of our wonderful Club, and how time flies! I am delighted to see the great vigour and commitment with which many of our Committees are functioning. Ananda Yaan Committee, Bhavishya Yaan Committee, Child Welfare and the Water Committee need special mention for the work done by the teams in their areas of community services.

Our afternoons at weekly meetings have been well spent with interesting speakers organised by the Programme Committee – the most recent one being our guest speaker on September 17th, 2019, Mr. Madhav Nalapat, who shared his views on a very significant topic ‘Geopolitics and US, China and India Power Shifts’ – having the audience enthralled – an afternoon well spent.

We have enjoyed the Pondicherry trip and the Parsi Nite celebrations thanks to the great work by the Fellowship Committee. The Fund Raising Committee too has been making all efforts to raise funds for our projects, despite the difficult economic situation.

At the District level, too, our Club is well represented and commendable work is being done by some of our Past Presidents, particularly, PP Rtn. Sandip Agarwala and PP Rtn. Ramesh Narayan.

Introspecting and analysing the issues that need to be addressed – our Club’s membership needs to be increased with induction of more quality and committed members. We also need to encourage and connect to our existing members to increase their attendance at Club meetings and more so participation in our projects. And of course, the efforts for fund raising should be ongoing, by one and all.

Preeti Mehta