Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message


We have all been hearing words and terms like pronous, non-binary, pansexual, The rainbow, the spectrum or my favorite The LGBTQIA+ community. And we all millennial and post generations are thoroughly confused. So let me complicate matters a little a more and tell you that the acronym has had a few additions the last time we checked.

It’s The LGBTIQCAPGNGDFNBA+ Community and its only going to keep growing. Confused…. Don’t worry. I got you.

The Rainbow explanation for us OLDIES:
L- Lesbian is a woman who is only attracted to women.
G- Gay is a man who is only attracted to men.
B- Bisexual is a person who is attracted to all genders. I think we were upto speed till here.
T- Transgender is a person who’s a different gender than they were assigned at birth.
I- Intersex is a person who was born with both male and female gentalia.
Q- Queer is an umbrella term for the spectrum.
C- Cupiosexual is someone who doesn’t experience attraction, but likes sex.
A- Asexual is someone who doesn’t experience sexual attraction at all.
P- Pansexual is someone who is attracted to people regardless of gender.
G- Graysexual is someone who experiences little attraction to others.
N- Nonbinary is someone who isn’t male or female.
G- Grayromantic is someone who experiences limited romantic attraction to others.
F- Fraysexual is someone whose attraction fades after time.
N- Neutrois is someone who falls in the nonbinary spectrum, and expresses androgynously.
B- Bigender is someone who is both male and female, either simultaneously or fluidly.
A- Abrosexual is someone who’s sexuality changes.

Feeling left out for not having something to identify with. Never fear when I am here. There is another gender which
falls outside the community which is C for Cisgender which means that you identify with the gender you were born with and are attracted to other cisgender people of the opposite sex a.k.a. Normal in our words.

I think I have thoroughly confused most of you. Hence, my work here is done. Have a fabulous week ahead Rotarians.
Until next week be merry and gay…. (pun intended)

Framroze Mehta