Rotary Club of Bombay

From the President’s Desk

Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message

Dear Friends,

I am glad to see the increasing number of members at our weekly meetings. I do hope the attendance continues to increase in the coming weeks.

Last week RCB took part in the District 3141 Mega Medical camp at Lower Parel. Rotary Club of Bombay put up a stall, the message of which was: ‘Yoga as a means of Health and Healing’. We witnessed a footfall of almost 150 people in three days.

Our club also hosted jazz pianist and composer Richard X Bennett as part of the Urban Heritage Committee’s fund-raising activities for the Asiatic Library. If you missed it, you have a chance to attend the next one: the UHC’s staging of the play Love Letters. Starring Shernaz Patel and Rajit Kapur, the evening will be at the majestic Durbar Hall on February 8, 2019.

The Rotary Club of Madras has invited our club members for a fellowship from February 15 to 17. For details kindly contact Ms. Rashmi at the Rotary office.

The District Conference will be held on February 23rd and 24th, 2019 at Hotel Renaissance. I request you all to make the most of these events and partake in them. For details on both, kindly get in touch with Ms. Rashmi. Thank You!

Thank You,
Rtn. Vijay Jatia,