Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message

Dear Friends,

It is with great pride that I congratulate you all for a job well done! You have seen my vision for our 90th year and through many long hours of meetings and discussions, you have showed your support and confidence in my leadership to carry out my role as your President.

I thank all Past Presidents, Office Bearers, Club Directors and Chairpersons, Trustees, Donors, members from Taj Mahal hotels, members from Trident Hotel, Rotary staff, you, all my fellow Rotarians and, of course, Gauri, my ever-supporting wife… and my supportive children.

The great success we are experiencing today could not have been possible without you.

Thank You,
Rtn. Vijay Jatia,