Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / From the President’s Desk  / President’s Message

President’s Message

Dear Friends,

My very warm greetings to each of you.

A few days ago, India launched Chandrayaan-2, its second lunar exploration mission after Chandrayaan-1 a decade ago. The launch of Chandrayaan-2 brings back fond memories. First, of our very own Mission to Future, for our Municipal school children, Bhavishya Yaan project, which also was launched a decade ago thanks to PP Rtn. Ramesh Narayan. Now, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Bhavishya Yaan, which has grown from one school with 40 children to six schools with 1600 children.

We doff our hats with appreciation, pride and gratitude to each and every of our Rotarian and Rotarian Partners who have been associated with this programme, donors, mentors, our partners in service: Vidya and Infotroopers, Municipal Corporation of Mumbai, each of the six Municipal schools, their principals, teachers, staff and above all our ‘Bhavishya Yaan’ students. May our tribe increase manifold and may we do even better.

The 10th Annual Day was celebrated with much gusto and joy. A very well planned event, with great skits and performances by our enthusiastic Bhavishya Yaan children. A very big thank you to our very own Rtn. (Dr.) Indu Shahani, the ISME Rotaractors and all at ISME for their invaluable support.

The Chandrayaan-2 launch also brought back memories of our trip to the Indian Space Research Organisation in July 2015 to Sriharikota and Bengaluru, organised by PP. Rtn. Sandip Agarwalla, during PP. Rtn. (Dr.) Sonya Mehta’s tenure. Chandrayaan-2 launch makes every Indian proud. Kudos to our ISRO scientists, technicians and their entire team.

This week we had another wonderful speaker, Javed Ahmad, who shared his experiences as a top cop, a 1980 batch IPS
Officer and 39th Commissioner of Police, Mumbai and, amongst other posts held then, as a diplomat as India’s Ambassador to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2015.

We all must be so looking forward to our first Fellowship trip of this Rotary year to Puducherry and Mamallapuram. More on this upon our return.

Once again, a reminder to all who haven’t yet made their ticket bookings for our ‘Sonu Nigam Live in Concert’ show on Tuesday August 27th at Tata Theatre, please don’t give this event a miss, with an appeal to extend your support to our Club’s fund-raising event. I sincerely and earnestly appeal to all, please join and team in with our members to raise a large fund for our Club’s various projects in community service.

Preeti Mehta