Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Medical  / RCB Cotten Green Medical Centre makes impressive Strides

RCB Cotten Green Medical Centre makes impressive Strides

by Manoj Patodia Chairman RCB Cotten Green Committee

It started with an idea to set up a free clinic by the Bombay Cotton Mukadam Association Trustees, Shri Sureshbhai Kotak, Shri Purshottamdas Patodia and Shri Shyam Makharia and one meeting with Rotary Club of Bombay Past President, Dr. Mukesh Batra and current president Ramesh Narayan.

IPP Mukesh immediately agreed to set up the Dr.Batra’s Clinic there, and the journey began.

The Bombay Cotton Mukadam Association building is a very beautiful building built about 90 years ago in the Heart of the Sewri in central Mumbai and you will immediately fall in love with the surroundings and greenery.

A month after the Rotary Club Bombay along with Bombay Cotton Mukadam Association inaugurated the clinic of Dr. Batra, RCB expanded the facilities available with a free Dental and Eye clinic. For a nominal fee blood testing was started by NM Medical as well. Homeopathic treatment by Dr. Batra was a huge success and the clinic started to see a flow of patients and provide free services to the needy people in the area.

18-03-13-3President Ramesh Narayanan took the initiative and the clinic started to examine the patients from our RCB project ‘ANANDA YAAN.’

As of today the clinic has examined and solved cases as below.

The journey continued and then our Rotarian Venkat Ramaswamy who is the copromoter of Edelweiss came forward and agreed to donate Rs. 10.00 lacs a year for next five years to fund the dental and eye clinic and honour the memory of his dear mother.

Other Committees like the Cancer Aid Committee have come forward and held screening camps at this centre, making it an active and buzzing hub.