RCB Welcomes DG to Talwada: A journey of compassionate medical service
RCB welcomes DG to Talwada: A journey of compassionate medical service
On February 25th, 2024, the Rotary Club of Bombay had the privilege to host DG Arun Bhargava and District Secretary Sandip Kedia at the Club’s flagship project at Talwada. At Talwada, they spent an afternoon with PP Dr. Rumi Jehangir, PP Framroze Mehta, PP Vineet Bhatnagar, Rtn. Sheela Kerkar, Rtn. Dr. Mehernosh Dotivala, Rtn. Ravi Fotedar, Rtn. Akhil Sanghi and Rtn. Mihir Mody.
The visit commenced at the Phiroze Ratanshah Vakil Eye Centre (PRVEC) where they interacted with doctors of different specialties who run their respective OPDs at the Centre and provide much needed medical care to those who come from far and near. The volunteers and staff joined our guests for lunch, sharing their experiences of being associated with the Talwada Centre. At PRVEC, PP Dr. Rumi Jehangir while sharing its proud history including the tremendous contribution of its founder PP Dr. Rahim Muljiani, conducted a walk through the Centre including the operation theatre and the patients’ ward area.
They next visited the Ajit Deshpande Medical Centre (ADMC) where the doctors were, by then, already attending to patients in the dental, pulmonary, paediatric and general OPDs. At ADMC, PP Dr. Rumi and Dr. Apte explained the working of the Centre and shared the efforts being put in to reach out to the maximum number of beneficiaries possible and also increase the number of specialties as per the requirement.
Both DG Arun and District Secretary Sandip shared their experiences of working on similar projects and provided inputs through which the Centre could further continue to carry out its activities in a diversified manner. They also commended the work put in by all those who have spared time and offered their service to the Centre.
The afternoon ended with the Rotarians, doctors and volunteers thanking DG Arun and District Secretary Sandip for visiting Talwada. By providing comprehensive medical care to the under privileged local population of the Vikramgad and surrounding districts for over 40 years, treating over the past few years an average of 15000- 18000 patients annually, this project truly imbibes the Rotary motto of Service Above Self.