Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Nutrition ( Akshay Patra)  / RCB’s daily mental health programme for children

RCB’s daily mental health programme for children

RCB’s daily mental health programme for children

Rotary Club of Bombay’s Committee for the Care of Neurodivergent Children has an ongoing programme
on mental health daily (full year) for children with a mental handicap, at Mankhurd in association
with AWMH Maharashtra, with qualified ‘special occupational therapists and speech therapists.

It is an EIRP (early intervention centre). About 20-25 children (with a mental handicap) attend daily. The aim is to enable the children to attend regular schools by the time they are 6 years old. There are periodic counselling / training sessions for parents. This is an yeoman service free of charge to the poorest of poor from the slums around.

We are happy that we are able to wipe away some of their tears. PP Shernaz Vakil is the Chairperson of this Committee.