Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Education  / Lighthouse  / RCHC’S Health Dosage For Lighthouse

RCHC’S Health Dosage For Lighthouse

Rtr. Riya Jain and Palin Rathor, Partners -in-Service Directors along with members of the Rotaract Club of Hinduja College organised a two-day workshop for all our Lighthouse students on November 27th and 28th.

On the first day, guest speaker Ms. Yashvi Mehta (alumni of RCHC), who is a qualified dietician and yoga instructor explained to the children all they needed to do to remain healthy. Under her guidance, the children prepared and tasted a detox drink consisting of warm water and lemon juice.

Day two began with guest speaker Ms. Harshita Sewani, who has been associated with the Rotaract Club for nearly three years, quizzing the youngsters on facts related to Covid-19.

The students also learned how basic hygiene can help curb the spread of the disease. Both sessions were interactive with children and parents being encouraged to share their view.