Rotary Club of Bombay


Rotary Club of Bombay / Rotaract  / RCJC #30 Days Of Break Through

RCJC #30 Days Of Break Through

Silent Saturdays 2020, a Community Service Initiative organised by the Rotaract Club of Jai Hind College (RCJC), was held from November 1, 2020 to November 30, 2020. A flagship project, the team adapted to the unique year and decided to help one person in their locality on each day of the month by conducting drives. Four causes were adhered to for this project, namely: Health, Education, Safety and Hunger.

On each Saturday of the month, the team spent time with children of Help Other NGO at Ghatkopar and taught them about the importance of the cause of that week.

A total of 20 drives were conducted which benefitted 1,200+ people in need. On the last day of the project, the team donated a laptop to an NGO to facilitate learning for students.

Charity begins at home, so RCJC conducted this project in the vicinity of their homes while following all safety guidelines and regulations.

RCJC aims to continue positively impacting the society and working towards its betterment by conducting similar projects.